How do you manage steam and condensate with steam traps?

How do you manage steam and condensate with steam traps?

When steam flows through pipes, heat losses are inevitable. This cooling causes condensate to form. 

The presence of condensate prevent optimum heat transfer and can also lead to pipe erosion and water hammer. To enable your steam systems to work efficiently, you should install steam traps to discharge condensate that builds up due to heat loss and process demand. 

The performance of effective condensate removal using the most appropriate steam traps has an influence on:

Wavy lines representing steam

Availability of steam

Downward arrow featuring dollar sign

Cost management

Cog surrounded by arrows

Operational efficiency

Segmented pie chart

System performance

Cog image containing tick

System reliability

Flexible steam traps and choices for different requirements

For process system and boiler operators, the cost of energy to produce steam is a key driver. Durable steam traps that work without loss of steam will help to keep these costs as low as possible. 

GESTRA's steam traps are energy efficient and reliable. They satisfy the most demanding quality requirements, are easy to use and they minimize maintenance time.


See how steam traps work

How to select your steam trap?

When selecting your steam trap to achieve the best results, there are some key factors you need to consider to choose the right type:

Requirements specific to your application

  • Saturated steam pipe
  • Superheated steam pipe
  • Steam heat exchanger equipped with a control valve
  • Unregulated heat exchanger or heating coil
  • Steam tracing where undercooling is required
  • Turbine drainage

System and equipment requirements

  • Pressure rating
  • Type of end connection
  • Material of construction

See how steam traps work

Operating parameters

  • Pressure upstream of the steam trap
  • Temperature upstream of the steam trap
  • Pressure downstream of the steam trap
  • Condensate flowrate
  • Start-up and shutdown cycles
  • Load changes

Additional options required

  • Monitoring
  • Requirement of an upstream strainer
  • Drain valve and manual or automated air vent
  • Manual vent valve
  • Bypass