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게스트라 본사에 문의


Postfach 105460
28054 Bremen

Tel: +49 421 3503-0
Fax: +49 421 3503-393

GESTEA AG Corporate information

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Maurizio Preziosa
Management Board: Friedhelm Lefting, Vorsitzender

Registered office:

28215 Bremen
Amtsgericht Bremen HRB 22141
UST-IDNR: DE 114 397 357
Steuernummer: 460/102/01584
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 37589545 

Banking account:

Commerzbank AG, Bremen
BLZ: 290 400 90
Kto: 0101 0677 00
IBAN: DE 94 2904 0090 0101 0677 00

GESTRA has been certified as Authorised Economic Operator (AEO-C) since December 2019. The certification as an Authorised Economic Operator brings numerous advantages and privileges with it that allows significantly simplified and accelerated customs clearances and also guarantee a higher security and reliability level. As our customer you will benefit from the efficient customs clearance processes.

Authorisation number: DE AEOC 128326